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Reuther Athletics

Athletics information for the 2024-2024 school year

You must have a physical form on file with the school for the 2023-2024 school year in order to compete in athletics.  Click on the following Link for physical form

Contest Schedules

Athletic Schedules.  click on VIEW SCHEDULES.  Click on specific game schedule.  Cross country schedule is for the most part complete and the Wrestling contest schedule is not yet posted

Free and Reduced Lunch Application Form

Even though ALL students are eligible for breakfast and lunch this year through legislation from the state of Michigan, we will still need families to fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch Application Form if you qualify for a discount in pay to participate fees for athletics.  Application for the 2023-24 school year will be available after August 15thFree and Reduce application

Pay to Participate Forms Middle School Pay to Participate Contract Forms and link for how to pay online.


Sports Coaches:

Mrs. Laura Duff-- Coach Cross Country --

Ms. Hannah Schneider - Coach Cross Country

Mr. Calvin Gross--Head Coach 8th Grade Football Team--
Mr. Alex DiMecurio--Assistant Coach 8th Grade Football Team--
Mr. Shawn Peklo--Head Coach 7th Grade Football Team--
Mr. Jarrod Rice--Head Coach 8th Grade Girls Basketball Team--
Ms. Tori Hawkins--Head Coach 7th Grade Girls Basketball Team--
Ms. Alyssa Hall and Ms. Michelle Wesner--Co-Head Coaches Girls 7 and 8 Sideline Cheer Team--



Contact Reuther Athletics


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player 22 shoots basketball in hoop
player 3 dribbling basketball down court
football team lines up for play
football team meets in endzone
cheerleaders pose for a picture on the track